IF you think that you are being bullied, if you know someone who is being bullied, or you think you might be bullying someone, please speak to someone you trust in your family or at school. If you would rather talk to someone else, please contact the organisations listed below who can help:
SupportLine: 01708 765200, email info@supportline.org.uk – Telephone Helpline providing confidential support to children, young adults and adults on any issue. They also offer details of other agencies, support groups and counsellors throughout the UK.
Childline: 0800 1111, www.childline.org.uk – Free national helpline for children and young people in danger and distress. They also provide booklets on bullying.
Irish Society for the Protection of cruelty to Children (ISPCC): www.ispcc.ie a national service to support children and young people which includes help with bullying.
ChildLine IRELAND: 1800 666666 or text: ‘help’ to 50101. Free national helpline for children and young people in danger and distress. They also provide booklets on bullying
Websites for advice:
www.beatbullying.org – Information and support
www.bullyfreezone.co.uk – Raises awareness of alternative ways of resolving conflict and of reducing bullying