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Aggression -  Actions or words aimed at someone, and intended to cause them harm, distress or fear.
Bullying -  Any use of aggression with the intention of hurt to another person. A person is bullied when he or she is exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more other persons, and he or she has difficulty defending himself or herself. (Prof Dan Olweus).
Bystander -  A bystander is someone who sees or knows about bullying happening to someone else. A supportive bystander will act in such a way that the bullying stops or is reduced, or so that he or she helps the victim of bullying to overcome the incident and the hurt caused.
Child Protection -  The statutory process of protecting individual children who are suffering, or likely to suffer, significant harm as a result of abuse or neglect. It involves measures and structures designed to prevent and respond to abuse and neglect.
Conflict -  Conflict is not the same as bullying. Conflict is a mutual disagreement where neither person has a significant power advantage and both of those involved feels equally aggrieved. However, situations of conflict may lead to bullying or aggression, both actual and threatened.
Covert bullying -  This is sometimes referred to as indirect bullying and is a subtle type of non-physical bullying which isn't easily seen by others. It takes place out of sight, and therefore often unacknowledged by teachers. This can be verbal or on social media and via email etc.
Cyberbullying -  Cyberbullying is the use of electronic communication to bully a person, usually by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature or recording or circulating an image or photo without permission, to cause discomfort. This can include internet or mobile phone use, and can be combined with bullying in the real world. One incident of cyber bullying can be multiplied by the use of social media to involve many people.
Cyberstalking -  Repeatedly sending messages that may threaten the person or are designed to intimidate him or her.
Dissing -  This is sending or posting online unpleasant or untrue gossip or rumours about a person to damage his or her reputation or friendships. This may also include broadcasting secrets which have been shared between two people.
Flaming -  Online fights using electronic messages with angry and unpleasant language.
Grooming -  The process by which someone builds an emotional connection with a child to gain their trust for the purposes of sexual abuse or exploitation. Children and young people can be groomed by a stranger or by a friend, a member of the family etc.
Homophobia -  Homophobia is the hatred or fear of homosexuals (lesbians and gay men) bisexual and transgender people. This can sometimes leading to acts of violence and expressions of hostility.
Impersonation -  Gaining access to someone’s email or social media account and then pretending to be that person to send messages to make the person look bad or damage that person's reputation or friendships.
Online Grooming -  This is using internet communication tools such as instant messaging apps or social networks to gain access to young people and gain their trust, usually for the purpose of sexual abuse.
Outing -  Outing is sharing someone’s secrets or embarrassing information online, or tricking someone into revealing secrets or embarrassing information, which is then shared online.
Resilience -  Resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties. Those who show resilience have the ability to cope and bounce back after encountering negative events, difficult situations and challenges They will experience difficulty or distress, but demonstrate behavior, thoughts, and actions that can be learned and developed to help them return to almost the same level of emotional wellbeing.
Sexism -  A sexist person believes that one gender is superior to the other gender. Sexism can lead to discrimination, harassment, and bullying.
Sexting -  Sexting is sending and receiving sexually explicit messages, primarily between mobile phones. This often includes sexually explicit photographs of oneself or others using mobile phone. Requests for a photo are often made by a person's partner or friend, and sometimes the photo sent to one person is then distributed by that person to many others, without permission.
Sexual harassment -  Sexual harassment is any unwanted or uninvited behaviour of a sexual nature that makes a person feel humiliated, intimidated or offended. Sexual harassment may include physical contact, jokes or comments, suggestions of activity or showing someone (without their permission) unpleasant sexual material.
Trolling -  Intentionally posting provocative messages about sensitive subjects to create conflict, upset people, and bait them into “flaming” or fighting.

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