eubully | Events
Intranet Area
For project partners you can access the intranet here.


Throughout the lifetime of the project we will post here our own events, events at which EUBULLY consortium will attend and other events we consider interesting for our relevant topic.

Seminar In Athens: Using Drama In Education To Fight Bullying
May 5, 2015 /More

On the 14th and 15th of March 2015 a two day workshop was led in Athens by InSite Drama and organized by Action Synergy offering the participants the possibility...

Playing it serious
March 12, 2015 /More

Playing it serious A two day drama workshop led by InSite and hosted by CPIP in Timisoara 18th-19th February, 2015 The teacher sits beside a troubled student waiting for...

First project meeting
November 22, 2014 /More

On the 13 and 14 November 2014 TITAN Partnership organised the first project meeting. All partners attended and prepared together an action plan for the next 6 months of...

Open a Charter Oak Checking Account to Help Reach Your Financial Goals